This is a little piece I've run together for a friend. It's a group shot of characters from FFXI, and it's the static group I am a part of. Mieck is the one taking it easy sitting down. Left to right, the rest are Draucent, Ignavus, Yumesama, Lexikatt, and Eriston. Oh, and Fenrir the wolf is there as well.
Tools were a combination of the FFXI Modelviewer by Phabin, Metasequoia, 3ds max 6, Paint Shop Pro 8, and POLUtils.
A lot of the base work is actually getting the models into the right poses, which takes a lot of searching through the Modelviewer animations, frame-by-frame. The sitting pose is actually a freeze frame of the Great Sword weapon skill "Ground Strike", whilst the raised Elvaan fist is actually part of the /angry emote. Next step is to get to grips with skeletons and rigging in 3ds max, so I can start doing some custom poses, and eventually, some animations. The work was done in fits and starts, and probably would have taken less than a day to complete, but a variety of factors (most notably FFXII which is consuming a lot of time), dragged it out over a few weeks.